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Unschooling Energy

"I can spend my energy on limiting my child's world so that he will be safe and happy or I can spend my energy on helping my child learn the skills to navigate our world himself so that he will be safe and happy. I think the latter has a better chance of success in the long term." —Eva Witsel, April 17, 2010

In a review of Australia’s first unschooling retreat, Lauren Fisher wrote:

Unschooling has been described as a lazy way of home-schooling. But all the participants at this unschooling retreat were anything but lazy. All were making very deliberate parenting decisions — choosing to let go of controlling measures, choosing to release their children to a life of freedom. It’s actually very difficult to unschool, but I am inspired to make the effort — for my children’s sake. (Unschooling Inspiration)
The same day, elsewhere, Shannon Burton had written:
[I'm] reading how damaged and uneducated my unschooled children will be, while watching Meet the Press with my 6yo, who was just doing art. It is 3:30am on a Monday morning. Sunday: Hot air balloon festival. Saturday: Open House at a fire station. Friday: Credit union, garage sale shopping (9yo Jeremiah bought a PS2 with Rock Band drums, guitars, and mikes and 3 games with money he had saved in his own account; he had his first experience haggling down from $125). Thursday: trip to apple orchard; tour of processing area. Wednesday: 3 hour drive into Adirondacks; visit to wildlife museum of natural history. Between those big things were all the other parts of a richly busy life.

I'm thinking this wouldn't be a typical week at ANY school - and I wonder what could be more well-rounded than life lived consciously and passionately? =)

That was on Facebook. Facebook is lively, but it takes great writing and loses it, so I'm going to save some of this day's jewels.

Shan was responding to something that I hesitate to link, but I will link it following these responses to her post:

Shannon herself:

If examiners are intended to examine, I'm thinking this one should be asked to seek work elsewhere......I have met the Yablonski-Beigler family, and KNOW how ridiculous are the assertions that Christine and Phil are lazy or irresponsible, or that Kimi and Shaun think the world revolves arounds them, have no concept of right and wrong, and do nothing but play games and watch TV. They are a bright, kind, engaged, and thoroughly delightful family. =)

I would definitely read the comments, quite a few of which are far better written than the article itself.

Pam Sorooshian:
I don't usually comment on news articles - I prefer to write for people who are interested in learning, not to argue with those who have already dug in their heels. But I did write a bit about each of my grown unschooled kids. They're willing to be the "proof" in the unschooling pudding.
Eden Mabee:
Examiner.com is a website of personal opinion articles, posted under the guise of information, (IMNSHO, of course). Yes, some of the people do offer some research, but every single piece I've read on the site tends to be very biased and offers limited reference material to verify any claims the authors might make.

Personally, I wouldn't take anything posted there too seriously without checking it out elsewhere.

The referenced writing is:
How harmful is the unschooling trend?

It's no longer at the original link, but I brought an archived copy. There are comments there by many people very active in unschooling discussions in those days.

Thank you all who share your time and energy helping people like me *get it*.

Peace and Joy,

"Actively engaging in life is great for creating happy energy. Happy energy is the most wonderful thing in the world to be around."
Sarah Anderson-Thimmes

Energy is shared, and that's how unschooling works.


I have noticed how much energy unschooling parents are willing to put into their kid's joy.

Robyn Coburn, at

"There is an energy that comes from this that you can't buy with a curriculum."

Earl Stevens

So then where do parents go with their fearful unschooling energy?


"If we continually try to force a child to do what he is afraid to do, he will become more timid, and will use his brains and energy, not to explore the unknown, but to find ways to avoid the pressures we put on him."

John Holt

The energy in our house between 10-1 was so incredible it made me giddy.


Avoiding negativity

Building an Unschooling Nest

Do It!