Roya Repeating Herself
As an unschooling parent, have you ever wondered if your kids would thank you when they are older? Has the question "will they unschool their kids" ever crossed your mind? Are you looking forward to being an unschooling grandparent? Do you want to find out what a 24 year old unschooler thinks about her experience? I'm 24 years old, unschooled, and willing to stand in front of you and let you know which parts of my unschooling experiences I am planning on repeating when I have kids. Here's the chance to find out if all of those "field trips" and conferences paid off!

| Roya Sorooshian
Roya Sorooshian is a 24 year old elementary school dropout, who has been unschooling since her mom pulled her out of school at the age of 10. She has a bachelor's degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies from Calstate Long Beach, with certificates in Outdoor Recreation and Non Profit Management. She is also working on getting a degree in Art Therapy, in order to open her own art camp one day. Roya is also a seller on ( and spends much of her time working on her own crafts.
Roya works for a non profit organization, called Project Independence (, that serves adults with developmental disabilities. Specifically, Roya is the Access to Adventure Coordinator, meaning she plans special events, trips, and recreational opportunities...such as a cruise to Alaska, trips to theme parks, and art workshops. It's pretty much the best job in the world.
Roya loves to talk about the fact that she went to community college when she was 13, her experiences working at a daycare for years, her internship as a backcountry ranger in Alaska, Not Back to School Camp, anything art or etsy related, recreation and leisure, and unschooling activism. If you are interested in finding out more, read her blog at