Trimaris list of honors for Alastair Ronal Kester Aeyalweard
Died of organ failure, natural causes, after illness. | Lord Alastair is mourned by his lady, Lydia Aeyalweard.
He was the protégé of
Viscountess Catherine of Wessex, OP
Alastair maintained a yahoogroup called Medieval Triva, going on eleven years.
He listed these things of himself, during that time:
C Shane Blancett here former USAF Staff Sergeant A-10 Crew Chief, former private (student) pilot, former NASA contract worker, former History/PolySci Teacher, Medieval Reenactor, IT guy and last but not least former Civil Air Patrol member etc. Yeah a lot of formers because according to the docs I should have been dead at least a year ago due to military related [read chemical] complications.
SCA Groups Served Directly:
Laurel Staff
Kingdom of Drachenwald (then Principality)
Barony of Bonwicke (Ansteorra)
Barony of Bjornsborg (Ansteorra)
Shire of Flintheath (founding Seneschal & Herald)
Shire of Shaddowmere (Meridies)
Barony of Wyvernwoode
Shire of Insulae Draconis (Drachenwald)
Have taught heraldry at several kingdom events
Outside the SCA:
Correspondent member of the UK College of Arms
Have taken several courses of heraldry in the UK
Heralded for the Kentwell Hall Society
Herald for the Lion Rampant society
Heralded for Far Isles Society
Herald for Sir Thomas Blackwell's Regiment of Foote
Herald for Celestial Kingdom (Amtgard)
Advised Editor of "Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia" on heraldic terms.
Christopher Shane Blancett
4/23/1962 - 12/13/2014
BLANCETT, Christopher Shane, 52, of Riverview, passed away on December 13, 2014. He was an Air Force veteran and a web designer. He was a big fan of space exploration and followed NASA. Shane enjoyed music. He was a member of Society for Creative Anachronism and also the American Legion Post 148 in Riverview, Fl. He is survived by his fiance, Mary Schneider; two daughters, Jessica Blancett and Crissy Blancett; mother, Jackie Blancett; two brothers, Terry (Jeanne) Blancett and Jeff Blancett; sister, Gina (Kenny) Fernandez. He was loved and will be missed. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to
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