A lady of our kingdom whose observations of others’ interactions is especially keen asked me about differences she perceived between knights and squires in our kingdom and those of some she saw at Pennsic. There’s no telling where they were from, it being Pennsic, and she being from Far Away. Would anyone who has ever written anything in the past about this relationship care to offer it for reprint? Would anyone who hasn’t written about this care to take a shot now? If you want to include other similar relationships I’d be thrilled.
Let us know whether you’re discussing actual relationships or ideal relationships. If you know any that match both descriptions, let us know that, too. If you have anything negative to say, please don’t use names. (You might consider leaving names off positive things, too; depends what it is you’re going to say.)
(subject to later improvement)
I won’t publish things unless I have the author’s SCA name, real name, and address.
length—no such thing as too short. Don’t know yet what’s too long.
content—make it productive, positive, don’t name names in a negative context
deadline—before I print again. Send what you have when you’re finished
format—legibly on paper (or Microsoft Word on a 3.5” diskette my Macintosh can read)
cartoons—same as above. Don’t use recognizable people in a negative way.
Anything I think might get you or me into trouble will not be published (but I might send it back to be toned down, or print excerpts or a paraphrase).
Please include some information about yourself, such as peerages, kingdoms in which you’ve lived—whatever you think the readers would find useful and interesting. Mundane job and education are optional, and if you think they’re pertinent you’re very welcome to include them, either within your writing or in a note to me so I can put it in. If for some reason you’d prefer not to be identified as to rank, let me know (in case I know your position and would inflict it upon you in print against your preferences). I usually use “Mistress” and rarely “Countess” so I can fault no one for preferring a lower title or no title.
several contributors, maybe even you !
Owner, Publisher, Editor, Typist, Proofreader, and Production Manager: Ælflæd of Duckford
If you’ve received this copy without subscribing, either someone told me you would be interested
or I found your address somewhere and thought it up myself.
ThinkWell is a private publication, and the views expressed are those of the authors. Although the subject matter concerns the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., this is not a publication of any division thereof. Subscriptions are available for $10/four issues from Sandra Dodd, 8116 Princess Jeanne NE, Albuquerque NM 87110. Letters or submissions should be sent in any legible format to that address. Other information about publication policies will be found elsewhere in this issue.
© Copyright: Sandra Dodd. Submissions belong to the contributors. Except for keeping these issues in print, I’m not reusing articles or art without permission, and you can’t either. I will be glad to help you get in touch with individual contributors if you want permission to reprint whole articles. If you’d like to quote small bits in the context of what might be considered a review of this publication (i.e., letting people know it exists. what sorts of things are to be found, and how they can subscribe) that’s fine. I’d appreciate it.
2006 note:
Remember this was all 1991, and is provided for historical purposes.