Duchess Carol of Bellatrix
January 24, 2010
From: ysabelladolfin
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 10:56 AM
Subject: [sca-west] To all those who knew Duchess of Carol of Bellatrix..
Passing along the words of my Love,
My heart is broken with the passing of my mother, Duchess Carol of
Bellatrix. At approximately 6:30 AM Central Time, on Sunday January 24th,
2010, in Somerset Texas, she drew her last breath surrounded by her
immediate family. Carol had made the choice to live out the rest of her time
on this earth in the comfort of her own home. In doing so many of her loved
ones, family and friends alike, were afforded the opportunity to say their
last goodbyes. Know that the pains of her ailments are now behind her, and
she now rests in peace. I only wish that more of you who read these words,
and had such a desire, were able to see her one last time.
My mother's passing leaves the hall far too quiet. In a time measured longer
than my own life, Carol has created a legacy like no other, both in and out
of the SCA. As queen and a duchess, she truly exemplified grace, honor,
generosity, and beauty. As a Pelican she served multiple kingdoms with her
undying dedication to the continued growth of the SCA and the ideals upon
which it was founded. Among her accomplishments were the creation of the
Queen Carol's Guide (New Comer's Guide), assisting in the founding of the
College of Ithra in AnTir, and setting the tone for many of the traditions
we have come to expect from a queen of the West and the Known World around.
I fear my words do not do her justice. As such, I encourage all who knew her
to speak of their experiences with her, either in public or in private. She
will truly live on in the hearts of many.
Memorial services will be held in Texas, in the vicinity of San Antonio this
coming weekend. Additionally, I will be holding both a mundane celebration
of her life in Northern California later in the year. This will be followed
by a day in which my brother (Duke Stephan) and I will take the field to
fight in her honor against all contestants. Details of both these events
will be forthcoming.
Feel free to correspond with me via email if you wish to express your
thoughts with me or the family. But please allow some time to pass before
making calls.
With a heavy heart,
Ritter Brion, second son of Bellatrix
SCA obituary page
page maintained by Ælflæd of Duckford
