Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst, Rivenoak, Cynagua, West
His Grace, Duke Jason Griffiths of Shadowhyrst,
originally of Caid, died on the 27th of October 2024, in the
West where he was living. He had been a knight since A.S.XIV (1979).
Deaton Claymore, Atenveldt
"Late Friday night, December 8th, 2023, Kelly Deaton McCray a.k.a. Duke Deaton Claymore passed away in his sleep." 1948-2023 (reported by his son, Joel McCray/Duke Morgan Claymore) *
Atenveldt awards * on facebook: Photos and memories
Passed October 17, 2023
Knight, Pelican, Baron of the Court [other awards]
Count Richard Ironsteed, first King of Atenveldt, passed away on the morning of January 13, 2022. Besides being the first king, Count Richard was co-founder of the kingdom in partnership with Sir Michael of Moria. He discovered the SCA at Westercon in San Francisco in 1969 and brought it home to Arizona. After a few years of hard work and much love and laughter, Atenveldt was born. He dabbled in everything from heraldry to martial arts to building siege weapons and whatever else struck his fancy. He joins his wife, Her Excellency Leonore, who was surely waiting for him. Long live the king!
Duke Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer Ansteorra First King of Ansteorra; once King of Atenveldt. Died in January 2021.
Master John the Artificer, Æthelmearc [John Rose 1954-November 25 2020]
"Master John the Artificer of Aethelmearc joined SCA four decades ago, when Barony-Marche of the Debateable Lands was part of the East Kingdom.
"He had a Viking stave church that stood many years at Pennsic War. He crafted working astrolabe Pennsic medallions, period pavilions and Viking oar tents, he created a beautiful and loud bronze calyx. His artificing encompassed science, engineering, weaponry, architecture, and he built everything from a gigantic period bread oven to leatherwork metalwork, paint pigments, printing, and ever so much more. He trained several apprentices, I was one. His unending curious nature will be missed."
Mistress Malkin Grey, Atlantia
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Click device for awards list
From Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America:
In Memoriam – Debra Doyle
Debra Doyle (b.1952) died at her home from a cardiac arrest on October 31st. She published her first co-written story, “Bad Blood,” in 1988 with husband James Macdonald.
Doyle and Macdonald co-wrote all of their works, which included numerous young adult novels. In 1992, they received the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children’s Literature for the novel Knight’s Wyrd, which also appeared on the New York Public Library’s Books for the Teen Age the following year. Their first novel, Night of Ghosts and Lightning, was published under the house name Robyn Tallis in 1989.
Their Mageworlds series consisted of seven novels, beginning with The Price of Stars. Another original series the couple wrote included The Wizard Apprentice, made up of eight volumes, and two alternate history novels: Land of Mist and Snow and Lincoln’s Sword.
In addition to novels under their own names, they also wrote two novels in the Tom Swift series using the house name Victor Appleton, and they used the house name Nicholas Adams on the novels Pep Rally, Blood Brothers and Vampire’s Kiss. Additionally, they published two Spider-Man novels using the name Martin Delrio. Doyle was an instructor at the Viable Paradise writer’s workshop and is listed as one of their Emeritus instructors.
"On March 26th, 2020 Her Excellency Katherine Linnet Holford passed from this life. She was a territorial Baroness of Caerthe, a Laurel, a Pelican, a holder of awards too numerous to mention, and Abbess to St. Marys Abbey household. Her list of dear friends is very long, her influence on many people was boundless, her death has left a hole in the universe that will never be filled for those of us who loved her."
Baron Andros Korkyrates, Caer Galen, Outlands
"It is with our utmost grief that we bring you news of Andro Berkovic, known in the SCA as Baron Andros Korkyrates, Fourth Baron of the Barony of Caer Galen, Defender of the White Scarf, holder of many other titles, honors, and accolades.
[July 8, 2019], his Excellency lost his battle with Leukemia. Andro passed while surrounded by his wife, other members of his family, and loved ones." —Anne Bigod
Master Eadweard Boicewright (Ed Kenney) passed of an illness (I believe), on July 6, 2019.
Count Lief Daevijtsen (Lief Davidson), Caer Galen, Outlands
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Companion of the Aspen of Caerthe, and of the Dreamer's Cup, husband of Mistress Judith de Beaumont, Baroness Caerthe (who died 2/2/2012)
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Peter Barclay (Terafan Greydragon in the SCA) died Saturday, October 6, 2018, of a lance wound, on the way to the hospital.
On Saturday, October 6, a brother in arms to many of us lost his life in the pursuit of our game. The Society's Equestrian Marshal, Master Terafan Greydragon, died while competing in an equestrian game at an SCA event in Kentucky. (More there, with many comments.)
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Tule of Tehri, Baron of the Court (registered name Tuathal of Tehri), was active in the Outlands in pre-principality days, and had many friends both north and south in those times. His Outlands record is here: wimble site, Tule
Keith Hunter died of lung cancer, September 4, 2018.
Baron Yusuf, Tir Ysgithr, Atenveldt / later Calafia, Caid
"Chuck Berridge, passed unexpectedly and peacefully of natural causes on Tuesday, August 7, 2018,"reported by Francena.
Aten OP page (with device image) and Caid's list of Yusuf's awards
Brummbar von Schwartzberg, Calontir
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Lord Arthur of Linden, Stierbach, Atlantia
Arthur Thomas Ross, Jr., 74, of Winchester, Virginia passed away Monday, July 10, 2017 at Blue Ridge Hospice Inpatient Care Facility. Born1943 in Dorchester, Massachusetts,Mr. Ross was a Journeyman Electrician in the IBEW Local 103. He was a member of the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA), the New England Folk Festival Association, and the Society for Creative Anachronism. His passions were woodworking, calligraphy, was a luthier, and enjoyed just puttering around. Surviving are his longtime companion, Bettina Helms; sister, Phyllis Condry of Dorchester, MA; and brother, Donald Ross of Tewksbury, MA.
Mistress Clare RosMuire St. John, Bryn Gwlad, Ansteorra
Nancy Denise Wederstrandt died April 17, 2017, of cancer. Clare was a Mistress of the Pelican and of the Laurel. She was a Seneschal of Atenveldt when there were only five kingdoms, and was one of the founders of Ansteorra.
David Grubbs died January 6, 2017. He attended the University of New Mexico with Raymond the Quiet and others in the early 1970's when al-Barran was formed. He lived in the Outlands and Ansteorra, variously, when they were both part of Atenveldt, and after.
Duke Koris Natterhelm, al-Barran, Outlands
Koris Natterhelm (Mark Plecki), KSCA, Master of the Pelican, died at home with loved ones at his side, December 28, 2016. He lived in Ansteorra when it was part of Atenveldt, and then the Outlands while it was still Atenveldt, serving as king twice in those years. He resided in the Outlands for thirty years after it was a kingdom. (awards)
Don Govanen (Jon Robbins), Master of the Laurel, Baron of the Court, White Scarf, died October 22, 2016, of a heart attack.
Bran Ironskull (Brian Horner) passed away suddenly, early Saturday 10/22 after a motorcycle accident.
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Mistress Helena the Fortunate, al-Barran, Outlands; originally of Caid
Helene McNeill died March 26, 2016, in Baud, Bretagne, France, of liver failure. A memorial was held at AElflaed's home. The body stayed in France, and was buried in the cemetery in Baud where she was living with her husband and younger two teen children.
Aidan ni Leir, East
Countess, Laurel, Pelican, died September 5 or 6, 2015
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Douglas MacAndrew (Douglas Bennett), died Friday, February 6. He was a Knight, Master of the Laurel and former Baron of Caerthe.
Kathryn of Iveragh (Kathryn Ballard), al-Barran, Outlands
Alastair Ronal Aeyalweard (Christopher Shane Blancett) died in Trimaris of natural causes on December 13, 2014.
Duke Lycurgus de Loch passed after a long illness, in Colorado Springs, December 12, 2014, of liver failure.
Dagan du Darregonne, Midrealm
Duke Dagan (Victor Jordan Townsend) died on October 27, 2014.
Bob of Boarstusk, An Tir
Bob of Boarstusk passed through the veil and was reunited with those he loved and passed before at 4:10pm PST on the 22nd day of May 2014. [Bob Powell of Boars' Tusk Armory in An Tir.]
Margaret of Griffin Tower, Caerthe, Outlands
Mistress Margaret (Nancy Pinney) of Househiold Griffin Tower died on May 18, 2014.
Pavel Iosevich, Calontir
Master Pavel, Master of Arms and of the Pelican, died June 22, 2013 of a heart attack.
Owain Phyfe
Minstrel. Pancreatic cancer, September 5, 2012.
Lord Herrel passed away September 4, 2012 in Starkhafn, Caid. He was a quire to Sir Richard of Blackiron; also a retired teacher and avid bibliophile.
Lady Margyt was awarded the Cygnus & Balefire and was a companion of the Order of the Pyxis. Jessica Speer passed away August 6, 2012.
Megwyn of Glendwry, the first Baroness of Lyondemere, passed away July 31, 2012.
A Master of the Laurel a weaver, died July 4, 2012. Master Johann, as he was called, was mundanely John Wagner.
THLord Miles of Southtower (mka Glen O'Brien) passed away on June 15th at the VA Hospital in Little Rock, AR. He was a co-founder of the Canton of Southtower (Hot Springs, AR). in the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann. Fighter, brewer, confidant to many, friend to all. The Barony of Small Grey Bear (Southtower's "parent") held a memorial service at Barbearian Brawl on July 21, 2012.
Adam Klynsma was killed in a work accident in May 2012.
A Companion of the Pelican, and an artist, Master Friedrich held several offices. Jim Hoehn died June 24, 2012.
Pat Stewart passed away in May 2012, after a long illness.
Lord Richard (mka Richard Mettille) passed away after an illness, in May 2012. (SCA awards)
Nicholas Dickhut (December 31, 1988 - April 30, 2012) was killed in action in Afghanistan. More SCA information
Aeschine inghean Lulaich (mka Darlene Dekoning) of the Shire of Smythkepe passed away March 31, 2012.
The honorable Lady Nekhbet died in her home near DeLand, Florida, of possible foul play, March 2, 2012.
Mistress Judith, founding Baroness of Caerthe, passed away on February 2, 2012, after a short illness, but several years of declining health. Awards
Mathgamain Ó Néill, al-Barran, Outlands
Mathgamain Ó Néill (Neil Mahoney), a Companion of the Stag's Blood, died Saturday, October 22, 2011.
"His Excellency, Baron Goetz von der Krautlache, has passed through the veil between this life and the next." October 2, 2011; cancer.
Jonathan Whitewolf, Barony of Atenveldt, Atenveldt
Pancreatic cancer, Phoenix, September 5, 2011.
Don Wilem was a White Scarf and a member of the Order of the Argent Morningstar. Bobby Rolls passed on September 3, 2011, of head injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident late September 2.
Lady Mariassa passed from our midst 9 August 2011 from natural causes. She was a devoted member of the Marche and an active participant with the local Gryphon's Shawl (fibre arts) group. She was always one of the first to raise her hand to offer assistance and was very creative when it came to practical solutions for unique problems. Per bend invected Or and vert, two clusters of ash keys counterchanged.
"Tonight we will raise a glass for our fallen comrade, aka Don George the Vagabond. One of the early rapier fighters in Caerthe's and the Outlands' history. —Dona Matilda" Mistress Bernice was a Mistress of the Orders of the Pelican and of the Laurel. (Alice McCuskey, died at home, April 20, 2011, of kidney failure)
Lady Eilis Bledsoe (Kyla), once of al-Barran, Promise of the Outlands. The daughter of Sir Needham Bledsoe and Lady Susan the Midwife, once Baron and Baroness of al-Barran, passed on April 15, 2011.
Lord Theodoric (Terry Wills) passed quietly in his sleep January 12, 2011 after losing his battle with Prostate cancer. Squired to John of Ean Airghead (called the Mad Celt), Theodoric was a self-professed "harmless old man" who was a force on the field and a great friend off the field. A big teddy bear of a man, Theodoric took great pleasure in playing St. Nickolaus every year at South Downs Christmas Revel. He was an avid gamer and enjoyed painting miniature soldiers and staging large table-top battles with his friends.
Leif Ivarson, Caid (long of the Outlands)
Duke Leif Ivarson died on July 13, 2010, in an accident at work in Moapa, Nevada. He had attended the first Battlemoor event in Colorado just a few days before, and so many of his Outlands friends were able to see him there. Leif was knighted at Grand Outlandish XIV, in 1987, and served twice as King of the Outlands. He lived in Drygestan and al-Barran, until he moved to Starkhafn, in Caid.
Rannveigr was at home with her family, her husband Viscount Alexander and her children Dee Dee & Andy when she lost her battle with cancer in the early hours of January 26th. Rannveigr was a Viscountess, a Mistress of the Pelican, and of the Laurel.
Carol of Bellatrix died in Texas of natural causes, surrounded by her family, on
January 24, 2010.
Time is a road we travel alone
Meeting others along the way,
For a brief moment we touch and we smile
A memory shared as we play.
Then we are gone and alone once again
Those memories carried along,
Until the day comes when our roads cross again
And our laughter will mingle in song.
I will remember the friends I have made
While wondering down the long road,
The joy we have shared as we walked side by side
Made light of the weight of our loads.
One day I will also be stopped by the way
And rest from the trail I walked,
And hope when that happens as others before
You'll remember the times that we talked.
A fire and a camp I will find on that day
No longer to travel or roam,
And I'll raise a tankard and sing through the night
With all of the friends I have known.
Kameyama Kengoro, Tir Ysgithr, Atenveldt
Kameyama Kengoro (Skip Schrader), one-time Seneschal of the Barony of Tir Ysgithr, Kingdom of Atenveldt, long-time squire of Sir Adler des Berges, passed away 24 November 2009 after a too-long illness. Always one to make us laugh—never forgotten. (Note from Mistress Marta as tu Mika-Mysliwy, who also shared this: "He requested no funeral or any memorial services. His ashes have been/will be distributed at several places across the world.")
Duchess Kolfinna, Caid
Knight of the Society and Mistress of the Pelican, Her Grace passed on October 1, 2009.
Yehudah of Nuremburg (Larry Baum), the Seneschal of the Barony of Sun Dragon passed away from a heart
attack on August 8, 2009.
Raphael De Seputura, Fontaine dans Sable, Outlands
Lord Raphael De Seputura died July 10, 2009, in a car crash.
Ternon de Caer Liant, Calontir
Viscount Ternon de Caer Liant, KSCA (mka Randy Niere), First Prince of Calontir, passed on 21 June 2009.
Ternon was one of the earliest SCA members in Kansas City, and was knighted by the Middle Kingdom on May 29, 1983 (A.S. 18)
Click the device for armorial and award details.
Lady Finnguala ingen Dauid, Sol Haven, Meridies
Karen Reaves passed away in Rockdale Co.Hospital on June 21, 2009.
Sigvaldr Hauksson, Altavia, Caid
Lord Sigvaldr died quickly, on May 26, 2009, of a blood clot in his heart. There is a grove of five trees dedicated to his memory.
Vergus of Orkney, Caid
Lord Vergus (Samuel "Grant" Kerslake) died May 19, 2009.
Pendar the Bard, al-Barran, Outlands
Pendar the Bard died at home on the morning of April 30, 2009. He was a vocalist and a herald, active for many years in al-Barran. A memorial campout was held at the Lonely Mountain Defender site in May of that year.
Dylan ab Aneirin y Breuddwydiwr, Bryn Madoc, Meridies
Master Dylan passed peacefully on April 27, 2009. He was a Master of the Laurel and former Beacon Principal Herald.
Sariah of Yggdrasil House, Angels, Caid
Lady Sariah died March 30, 2009, of cancer.
Christoforo Antonio Passavanti, Stargate, Ansteorra
Don Christoforo Antonio Passavanti died February 2, 2009, in a motor vehicle accident. In the SCA he was a White Scarf, archer, metalworker and costumer.
Chidiock the Younger, Calontir
Chidiock the Younger, Master of the Pelican, died on
December 12, 2008 of a heart attack.
Morguhn Sheridan, Æthelmearc
Duke Morguhn Sheridan (John Glenn) passed away at about 8:58 P.M. Tuesday, September 23 from injuries sustained falling from the roof of his house on Sunday the 21st. Photo, poem and links.
Sir Ardral was knighted on May 1, A.S. I (modernly 1966) at the very first tournament of what would become the Society for Creative Anachronism. The venue (around Berkeley, California) would later become part of the West Kingdom. His heraldic device, registered in 1971, is blazoned "Sable, a pall argent surmounting a pall inverted Or." [Submitted to the ThinkWell list by Evan, crediting " Juana Isabella on Tue, 2008/09/23 - 21:32" (no more details).]
Draw the children close and speak to them softly. Hold them tight, dry their tears as well as your own.This day there is one less empty bench in Bragi's Hall. Master Mikal Hrafspa, (Mikal the Ram) who referred to himself as an annoying Bard with no redeeming qualities, has taken to the Swan Road one last time.
At 2:15 18 August 2008 he was welcomed into the famed hall of the Skalds and offered his rightful seat near the fire to rest his body forever more. There his horn will never be empty of mead. His feet never weary from fire walking. Where he can tell tales and sing songs to his heart's content.
His only regret may be that he will never again be able to tell a King that he must turn down a royal invitation and go off to tell tales to the most important people of Calontir, the children. And that the cries and clamor to hear Uncle Master Mikal will be heard no more.
Though the wails of mourning can be heard in his house, his pyre is being prepared. The Oracles are being consulted for the proper time and place. When this is divined, word will be sent forth for those wishing to Honor him.
Roust the Heralds and send them forth to spread this sad news through out the Kingdom and Known World.
With bowed head and heavy heart I post this notice;
Master Eadweard Boicewright
Lord Olaf, once of Grey Niche, Gleann Abhann
Lord Olaf (Lance McBride) was shot and killed in his home on July 25, 2008. He left behind a loving fiancee, a devoted family, and a Barony and Kingdom that remembers him with joy and admiration. (provided by Morgan Rowanwaif)
Stewart Charles the Butcher Trimaris
It is with a sad heat that I bring news that we have lost another friend. On July 23 Charles Stewart McKellop Sr. Passed from this world. In the SCA he was known as Lord Stewart Charles the Butcher. He was the First Man at arms to THlord Ageirrjon and the First Member of House Darktree as well. He is survived by his Son Charles Jr., his Brother James Jr. and hs sister Margaret (Peggy)
Ageirr Jon of Cathanar and Zelina Marie Durrant de Narval
Osric Cumbra, Midrealm
Master Osric Cumbra died July 12, 2008, of a massive heart attack. Wulfwen wrote "The cooking community in particular and the world in general have suffered a great loss. Master Osric was a kind and wonderful man."
more, with photos
Sigmund Shadowhawk, Blackwater Keep, Outlands July 11, 2008
Sir Starhelm Warlocke (Mike Boelter) died of a heart attack on June 25, 2008.
Lady Ceara O'Bardain (Beth Watts Bridges), June 13, 2008, cancer.
Master Mischka, a Laurel also known as Mishka Petrovich Valadesque, died Monday, May 26, 2008, in the hospital as a result of a motorcycle accident. John Ramsey Booth was his real name.
Jean Richard Malcolmson, Ansteorra
Duke Jean Richard Malcolmson passed away at his home suddenly on Sunday May 25, 2008. (Russell Rischard, 47 years old, Whitehouse, Texas)
For those who knew him, knew of him, read his books or sang his songs.
Yang the Nauseating, also know as Robert Asprin, died today at his home in New Orleans.
An early member of the Society, he was one of the founders of the Great Dark Horde. Although he no longer rode the steppes with us, he was respected and will be missed.
Raising a cup in his honor.
Noyan Irgan Omyx
Great Dark Horde
posted on the Outlands list, May 23, 2008
From the Gleann Abhann list:
I write this with a heavy heart. Today (May 21, 2008), sometime between 2 pm and 5 pm, Yang the Nauseating (Robert Asprin) passed away.I spoke to him around 2 pm to confirm that I was to pick him up at 5 pm and take him to the airport. He was to go to a convention in Ohio this weekend - MarCon. At 2 pm, everything was fine. When I arrived at his house, he wasn't outside, didn't answer his cellphone, didn't answer his landline. Of course, as I was trying to figure out what to do, someone came up behind me and I had to drive around the block. (The French Quarter.) I called him again as I made the block, but still no answer.
I *thought* I had a key to his house, but I wasn't certain I had it with me. I tried to call another one of his close friends (who works in the Quarter), because I knew that he would have a key, but I couldn't get him. So I parked the car and dug through my briefcase and found the key that I thought was for his house. I did get in with the key, but it took some tugging and pushing.
I found Yang lying on his bed, with a book in one hand (a Terry Pratchett book, no less) and his other hand by his side, his glasses just beyond. To all extents and purposes, it looks as though he had decided to take a nap. But I could tell he wasn't breathing and he had no pulse. I called 911.
The paramedics and firemen arrived quickly and were quite nice and very good. They actually worked on him for 30 minutes, which sort of surprised me, because there was no activity on the heart monitor when they hooked him up. It might have been standard protocol. Whatever the case, they tried very hard, but couldn't bring him back.
I have been in touch with his literary agent, who in turn notified his family. Because Yang was also an author, the news is already spreading very quickly. I am very sorry to have to share this news with my SCA family, but I wanted everyone here to hear it from me before you read it on some sfnet board.
Yang was 62 years old, born June 28, 1946. He had no obvious health problems, but he was also notorious for avoiding doctors. To those who knew him "way back when" - Isolda, John the Bearkiller, and many others - he was very pleased with how the SCA has developed since the "bad old days" of freon can helms with women not allowed to fight in the lists.
He would have come and played with us more if he could have.
- Lady Alsinda de Rochabaron
accounts and comments on the rialto
For any who come to read this and didn't know, "Janet" is pronounced as in French, with a soft "j", emphasis on the second syllable and silent "t".
posted on the Rialto by Jay Rudin May 22, 9:15 am
Many of you don't know her, or know her as a merchant in her later years. When I joined she was a dynamo of action in all fields—service, arts and fighting.
Though of small stature, Janet was a fierce competitor on the field. Her shield was well known—tierced per chevron throughout azure gules, and vert, overall an Egyptian hawk displayed Or, crowned of a bezant and maintaining two bezants. I can still picture it coming at me—fast. She was loud, joyous and fierce.
The records show that she was the fifth Queen of Love and Beauty in the Steppes, as Amra won the fifth Steppes Warlord tourney carrying her favor. What the records don't show is that, going into the final round, she already knew she'd won. She just didn't know which title she'd have yet. The finalists were Amra, her husband Telbyrne, and Janet herself.
In a war in which her knight, Sir Simonn, was legged, she stood at his side to defend him. A blow was aimed at Simonn, but Janet threw her own shield out to cover him, exposing herself for a half-second. Asked about it later, she said, "I did that? That's dumb."
But nobody who knew her is surprised that, instantly and unconsciously, she did something dumb in service to somebody else.
She was equally aggressive in everything she did. Disagreeing with Janet was never fun, because she would fight for her beliefs with every fiber of her being. She carried her passion into everything she did.
She was known for her arts, but her greatest contribution to Ansteorra was her work with the Texas Renaissance Festival. She co-ordinated our extremely well-paid activities there, and thus made huge contributions, not only to her own group's coffers, but also those of every active branch in Ansteorra. If your branch dates back to the seventies or early eighties, then Janet materially helped you fund your events and activities. All Ansteorran branches were relatively rich, at a time when the rest of Atenveldt (our home kingdom then) were close to scrounging Coke bottles on the side of the road to help pay for events. Her arms had three gold coins, and it was quite appropriate.
But it isn't just about the money. She was part of Ansteorra developing its own character and its own identity, and was therefore instrumental in the rising of the Star from a principality to a kingdom.
The Egyptian Eagle is no longer displayed. It has soared into the heavens, and has a crown more glorious than a bezant. But as long as Ansteorra is a kingdom, there will always be an Egyptian hawk following the Black Star.
Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin
Dave Bermann wrote to Hirsch von Henford:
Ellen Margron (my sister), Countess Ellen of the Gleaming Star, passed away on May 8, 2008, after a two year bout with cancer. We talked about SCA over the years with her ex-husband, Jean Margron, Jean de Gran'dans, who were at one point in their early relationship, I recall as having been King and Queen in the Kingdom of the West. Ellen lived in the Lake Merritt area of Oakland, with her daughter and son-in-law Rami Margron and Cassidy Brown. Jean continues to live in Berkeley, and was one of Ellen's best friends for many years until her passing.
THL Jacquelin de Normandie has informed me that Viscountess Elaina von Mannheim (Toni Cordaro), 29th Princess of the Sun, has passed away in Atenveldt on Sunday, May 4 at 11:45 a.m.
Vicountess Elaina reigned with HE Viscount Sir Ulric von Brettvalda, the Dragon Bear (9/15/1990-3/16/1991). She had taken over the reins the Hospitality Corps at Estrella War last year. From the stories she has told me, been a long member of this kingdom.
Elaina fell and had broken her hip in mid-March. On the day she was supposed to go home from the hospital, she developed a Mersa staph infection, which spread through her organs, proceeding to shut them down.
By request of her family, any inquires should be sent to THL Jacquelin at ...(see link below if not much time has passed).
There [was] a memorial service for Viscountess Elaina on Friday, May 9 at 5 p.m. The funeral home is Mountain Memorial Gardens (7900 E. Main, Mesa, AZ 85027).The family asks for no flowers to be sent please. However if you wish to send a card please either send it to the funeral home or in care of her daughter Eileene Zungia...
Her daughter is planning a get together at her home afterwards. All are invited to come and share in the memories of Elaina.
kingdom precedence page, with awards from Drachenwald and Atenveldt
Titus the Archer, Fontaine, Outlands
Lord Titus the Archer passed away last night. Information is limited right now. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and children to whom we send our most heart felt condolences.
Qara Gan and Ceara
Baron and Baroness of Fontaine dans Sable
posted on Outlands list, Wed Apr 9, 2008
Bronwyn Banadruidh, Caerthe
Viscountess Bronwen, who was Princess of the Outlands with AElfgar in 1984, passed away Wednesday, March 5, of a brain tumor. (Pam Draudt)
Albert Vernon [SCA name unknown], died at Estrella
Greetings gentle cousins,
As you are already aware, the Barony of Starkhafn (Las Vegas, NV) lost
one of its own on Friday, Feb 15, at Estrella. Albert Vernon leaves
behind a wife, Kindra and young son, Cody.
With a heavy heart,
Mistress Margaret Hepburn of Ardrossan
posted Thu Feb 21, 2008 on the Outlands list
Brett McNeally, Ansteorra
Lord Brett McNeally passed away on January 13, 2008. (Brett MacNelly is the spelling listed on the heraldry page, and I include both so this can be more easily found.) click here for a great photo, and more info
Sean Ui Neill the Staffmaker, Unser Hafen, Outlands
This morning, November 1, 2007, THL Sean Ui Neill the Staffmaker [from the Barony of Unser Hafen] passed away. He selected a sunny place in the backyard and by his own hands left this world.
There will be an Irish Wake held in his honor at a latter date. Any services are unknown as his family is out of state.
Greetings, good friends—Safe to say, Sean was one of the Outland's more colorful characters, both in personality and in garb.
He was a loyal friend who volunteered his time to Unser Hafen for more years than I have been in this Kingdom. Many of us still hold leather baronial favors, belt pouches and other items made by his hands.
To say he was outspoken would be understatement. Never to be one to let agreement get in the way of a good argument, Sean was always there expressing his opinion, playing devil's advocate, and generally being the loyal opposition. Some of my favorite memories of Sean are the "colorful discussions" we have had over the years.
He will be missed.
THL Nikolaos Demetriou and THL Ekaterina Dimitriu
Ulric of Wolfhaven, Meridies, Before There was a Meridies.
mka Hank Reinhardt, d. October 30, 2007. Ulric was instrumental in introducing the concept of the SCA to Birmingham, AL and Atlanta, GA, giving rise to the eventual Baronies of Iron Mountain and The South Downs.
A story from Cathal mac Edan:
"Hank was an integral part of SF-dom and the SCA from the early 1970's onward. He was responsible for the original idea that became Museum Replicas, Ltd. over in Conyers.The most South Downs specific story I can recall had to do with a demo the group had up in Kennesaw in the early 1970's. A group of local 'necks decided to rattle the funny dressed people. They came into the area and were met with the sight of Hank (and another person whose identity varies with the teller)practicing axe throwing. Hank had a very well tempered axe that would literally 'scream' if he tapped the blade on a metal heel tap. This he did and threw it in the direction of the other person; they caught it and turning on the catch threw it into the target without missing a beat (the axe was still screaming all the while). The mundanes left rather soon thereafter."
Gaius Auklandus, Caid
Viscount Gaius Auklandus, OL, OP, KSCA was found today in his
apartment, deceased. There are no details at this time other than that
it appears to be from natural causes. (posted by his squire to the West Kingdom list)
Viscount Sir Gaius Marcellus Librus Auklandus, OL, OP, passed away from an apparent heart attack last week. He was living in the Kingdom of the West at the time, but had lived in many kingdoms over the course of his SCA life, including Atlantia, Meridies, Ansteorra, the East and Caid.Viscount Gaius'HomePageHe will be cremated in the Kingdom of the West, and part of his ashes will be sent to the East Kingdom for a memorial to take place in early March. Another memorial is being planned for next Pennsic.
He became Prince of the Mists as a squire, and was knighted soon after he stepped down. He was also a knowledgeable herald and a dance master, and could be counted on to teach as well as help out anytime he was needed.
I met Viscount Sir Gaius 11 years ago when he lived in the Crown Province of Ostgardr in the East Kingdom. I was still mostly a newcomer at the time, and his guidance helped me to get comfortable with "all the pointy hats". He taught me my first bits of heraldry, and my first medieval dance steps. He tried to teach me heavy list fighting, but I was not very good at it, though I began to learn the nuances and could eventually watch a tournament bout and see the blows coming. He also had a wicked sense of humor, and could be counted on to pun at the drop of a hat, though he often claimed heraldic immunity from reprisals. He always encouraged me to "follow the Dream" and keep learning. He told me lots of stories about gentles who to me were legends - Duke Paul of Bellatrix, Sir Hilary of Serendip, Mistress Diana Listmaker, to name a few - and those stories helped me to see that the SCA has a history of its own, and that the Dream that grew out of a backyard party will live on.
We who knew him will miss him.
Submitted by Lady Lilie Dubh inghean ui Mordha
Sorin Erlinstar, Drygestan, Outlands
I lord Traithgren bring bad news to are Kingdom of the Outlands and to all in the SCA. My Don, Sorin, passed away today on September 30 at 10:35pm. He was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday with severe renal failure. His passing was painless and now his new journey is beginning. I know that my Don reached out and touched a lot of people's hearts in the SCA and in the Kingdom of the Outlands. I ask don't mourn him, celebrate the full life he led. He wore his heart on his sleeve. He always was willing to help anyone and was there for you when you needed someone to fall apart to. He will live in our hearts, minds and our souls as one of the greatest men and most honorable human beings in our Great Outlands.
Lord Traithgren McCormick, cadet to the late Don Sorin
Sorin's awards
"After a valiant battle with cancer, we lost this gallant knight at 1:50 pm September 19, 2007 in his home kingdom of An Tir. The SCA was his life, so much so, that his family will honor his request that his headstone be engraved: 'Viscount Sir Jerald ' " Once Prince of An Tir, a former Black Lion Herald, and interkingdom equestrian. He was knighted in A.S. VII.
Photo and more information
Sir Jerald Memorial Page
Aethelthryth of Acleah, Meridies
mka Carol Barker, d. July 27, 2007. Wife to Master Orrick of Romney, and an early presence in the SCA in the southeastern US, being one who had a hand in establishing a chapter in Tallahassee, Florida (Oldenfeld), back in 1976.
Bearengaer hinn Rauthi, AEthelmarc
Harken to these awful words, wail and rend your garments! Earl Sir Bearengaer hinn Rauthi has gone to his ancestors in Valhalla on this 9th day of July, A.S. XLII. Let all pay heed to to the passing of a mighty warrior and a person who enriched the Current Middle Ages.
Bearengaer had been a member of the SCA for almost 40 years. He was the 8th Knight of the Middle Kingdom, the 9th King of the MidRealm He was King of the Middle Kingdom for Pennsic 3. He was second Prince of Drachenwald. In more recent years, as ill health kept him from the list fields, he served the Kingdom of AEthelmearc by training new fighters, marshaling, being an MOL and helping Lady Leah Janette (the Evil Book Lady) run her book business. For several years, he was Grimm's liaison at Pennsic.
Those wishing to honor him, pray for him or confirm his death should present themselves on July 14, in Stormsport (Erie, PA) at the Burton Funeral Home, 602 W. 10th St. A reception will follow at the home of Viscount Alexander and Viscountess Rannveigr. As he had no particular religious affiliation or close mundane relatives to be offended, the funeral will have an SCA theme. SCA attendees are requested to wear garb. Since "You can't take it with you" is not a Viking concept, people may bring mementos to put in the coffin.
Those who wish crash space or direction should contact Viscount Sir Bear the Wallsbane at SyrBear@... Leah Janette (his lady)
Charly the Bastard, Namron, Ansteorra
Charly the Bastard, mundanely known as Richard Tucker, died on the morning of Saturday February 17, 2007, from brain damage due to anoxia after a heart attack earlier this month.
Note from �lfl�d: Looking for more information, I found a post to the Rialto signed in this way:Charly the Bastard The Last Dworf in AnsteorraCut and paste, just as it was. "Dworf." Being the lady wife of Father Longbeard himself, founder of the dwarves, it made me smile.
Patric of Blackthorn, Caerthe, Outlands
Our beloved Baron, Patrick, has passed away. Patrick collapsed yesterday and was taken to the
hospital. He died earlier today of an apparent heart attack. (Wednesday, May 23, 2007)
Sad Tidings from the Barony of Caerthe - Friday, May 25, 2007The Outlands joins the Barony of Caerthe in mourning the loss of its Baron, The Honorable Lord Patric of Blackthorn, who passed away suddenly on Wednesday, May 23rd. He is survived by his wife, The Honorable Lady Mary of Blackthorn, three sons and two grandchildren.
Services will be Saturday, May 26th at 2:00 pm at Horan & McConaty Funeral Home 3101 S Wadswoth Blvd., Lakewood, CO. Duke Maelgwn McCain, Patric's knight, will be hosting a reception at his home after the service.
Her Excellency has asked that in lieu of flowers, if anyone is of a mind to make a donation in honor of Patric, that they consider the Jefferson Mental Health Foundation, 4851 Independence St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033, an organization near to his heart.
Renfred Barlennan of Seth, Meridies
mka Russell Segars, d. May 16, 2007. Renfred was best known as the Hedge-Priest of Beau Fort.
Patri du Chat Gris, East
"Patri du Chat Gris, Feb. 11, 2007, liver cancer. He was Baron of Carolingia for something like twenty years, and was renowned (and Laurelled) for his research into historical dance and the accompanying music. Cariadoc's first son was (mundanely) named after him." (sent by John Elys, Ostgardr Webmaster, ostgardr.org
Sarnac Kir, Ealdormere
From Countess Jolecia of Litchfield O.L., of Ealdormere comes this request after the funeral of her good Husband and Lord, Count Sarnac Kir, KSCA.
"So many of you asked "what can I do" or "Just name it and we'll be there" so here it is...my request...no my NEED:
Some of you have heard of this already, but I ask all to take this very seriously and in Sarnac's name. It is called the "Sarnac Stretch" (first called the Sarnac Stop, but revised to Stretch). This is a request...no a demand in his name that NO ONE out there sit longer than 2 hours at a time FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. I'm serious here. The ONLY cause we can find for his death is the 5-6 + hour stints he would do at his computer every night - mostly playing World of Warcraft.
Buy a timer, set it for two hours and if it goes off, get up and go for a walk around your house immediately. If you are driving (I know we have all have gone on the major road trips and "just want to get there, don't want to stop") ...well stop, get out and stretch, run around your car a few times. This counts for everyone in the car, it doesn't count unless everyone gets out. If you are on an airplane, walk the aisle.
Take 5 minutes to save your life. Sarnac lay in the hospital and had done alot of thinking about his life and how he was spending it, had he come home WoW would have gone out the window in a split second. He felt it was the cause and was so full of regret about the possible prevention, it was hard to calm him down when he spoke of it.
Get your guilds to do it, get your squires to do it, get your Knight to do it, get your kids to do it. I don't care who they are, get them up and moving every two hours and think of my honey baby when you do it. He was a big, strong, active man, taken down by his own body.
...and if anyone riding or playing online with you tries to tell you "we don't need to stop" you look them straight in the eye and say "no, and Joleicia didn't NEED to be a widow". It sounds harsh, but if that's what it takes to get this cause moving, I'll use it. Sarnac always feared those not on my side when I got my mind set on something, so please don't be there.
Think of it as your tribute to him. It costs you nothing but a little time and effort.
posted to the Outlands list by Sabel, Tue Dec 12, 2006
TRIBUTES to Samac Kir: "Wassail Sarnac, Wassail", and a poem.
Tristen Von Halstern, East
Sir Tristen Von Halstern, died on Thursday, October 11. [John McLoughlin. Sir Tristen was former Baron Bakhail (Philadelphia, Pa area)]
Obituary (mundane) and commentary (SCA, much of it)
Ragnar the Wolf, East
We were informed yesterday afternoon that Ragnar the Wolf, a denizen of the Royal Forest of Rusted Woodlands in the East Kingdom has crossed over the Bridge to Valhalla. He may not have gone over the bridge with his sword in hand, but he surely went in battle, one of the toughest battles that can be fought in these modern times. He was well loved for his generous heart, his willing hands and mind and his gentle soul. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him, those in the Forest, in Clan Campbell, in the East Kingdom and throughout the archery community of the SCA. Fare thee well, old friend.
Ragnar lost his battle with pneumonia, contracted last month as a complication of Esophegeal Cancer. The cancer was discovered on 20 July 2006.
In lieu of flowers, donations in the name of John J. Anderson may be made to a Cancer Research organization of your choice.
Funeral services are scheduled for 11:00AM on Thursday, September 7 at
Saint Joseph of the Palisades
6401 Palisade Ave
West New York, NJ 07093
Due to the fact that Ragnar's birth date was September 6, the funeral was postponed to the 7th., at his father's request - he did not feel his son should be laid to rest on his birthday. He would have turned 53 years of age.
The family is aware of many of the expressions of sympathy that have been posted on the Internet from Ragnar's many friends, and they want all to know that the thoughts are appreciated, and they are honored that their son had so many wonderful friends.
Fare thee well, old friend, and save some mead for the rest of us - whenever we may join you.
In service, sadness and memory,
Lady Sabel Saer ferch Maredudd ap Rosser, AoA, OBT
Tarn Travis the Arborescent, Meridies
mka Darryl Loux, d. July 18, 2006. This solemn fellow was a quiet potter and one of the early supports for the Society in the place known then as Loch-Lair-n-Glade, but known in these latter days as Beau Fort (Gainesville, Georgia).
Ian Mactawisch, Northshield
It is with a very heavy heart that I post this message for Roxanne. Ian Mactawisch (MKA Howard Hannan) passed away sometime during the night or early this morning. He will be greatly missed and may his rest be peaceful with the sweet sound of bagpipes.
Sat May 27, 2006
Mistress Siobhan ni hEodhusa, OL, died May 16, 2006 in a motorcycle accident (Leighann Husey)Siobhan was a member of the Order of the Laurel, the Order of the Rose Leaf, held an Award of Arms, was a member of the Orders of the Golden Poppy, the Wooden Spoon, and from the Principality of the Mists she was a member of the Orders of the Golden Branch, the Silver Spoon, and also the Order of the Copper Spoon from the Principality of Cynagua. Siobh�n was a former Bard of the Mists, and was the first Bard of the West.
Mistress Vivien, of Caerthe, in the Outlands, wrote by e-mail, in 2008:
There may be other people who met her back at the Great Desert War in 1983 or 4 or somewhere in there � back when I was Atenveldt Sciences. She was the first Bard of the West. She was one of those people who tended to inspire by competition. She never tired of trying new things, and there is a challenge out to enjoin those who would honor to try a new thing in her name. A worthy challenge, I think, even for those who did not know her.
Muirenn ingen Thigernain, Twin Moons, Atenveldt
Lady Muirenn ingen Thigernain passed from this life on February 15, 2006 after a long illness. While Lady Muirenn's talents and achievements could not help but enrich our Society, her Greatest Gift was the Grace, Joy and Vitality with which she lived her life. May we all take Joy in the Memories she provided us, for she will be sorely missed.
Geoffrey fitz Odo, Æthelmearc
Bryan Bessor, died Jan. 27, 2006
Meyer von Koch, Meridies Before There Was a Meridies.
"On November 22, 2005 Irv Koch (aka Meyer von Koch) one of the early members of the SCA in what would become Meridies passed away at his home in Atlanta, GA. He was active at various times in the Barony of the South Downs, the Barony of Thor's Mountain and the Shire of Vulpine Reach. Irv was a unique person whose actions and energy helped fuel the success of both the SCA and SF Fandom in the South. He deserves an honoured place in our memory."—Cathal mac Edan ne Faelad
Master Master Johan von Traubenberg, (mka John E. Kasper) passed away on October 24, 2005 in Pittsburgh PA, from complications following a fall at a work site.
Johan joined the SCA in Carolingia, was a founding member of the Barony of Stonemarche, and lived for a number of years in the Barony Marche of the Debatable Lands.
Johan was a very capable man who brought out the best in everyone around
him, whether as the proprietor of the Sated Tyger Inn at Pennsic, or as
Seneschal of the BMDL.
Heart failure, peacefully in bed, October 15th 2005
Jehanne de May, Thor's Mountain, Meridies
Mistress Jeanne de May (Amy R. Huber) died at home on the morning of September 26, 2005. A photo and obituary are here.
Francois DuVant, Gleann Abhann/Meridies
Radu and Broinnfinn, Lord and Lady Heir of Gleann Abhann, have sadly announced that Count Francois DuVant, KSCA and OP, has passed away today. (the 8th (?) of June, 2005)
Their Highnesses wrote:
It is with a very heavy heart that we hear of the passing of Premier Knight of Meridies and Companion of the Pelican, Count Francois DuVant, early this morning.
For those who have not had the privilege of knowing this great man directly, Sir Francois was elevated by HRM Robert Roundpounder of Atenveldt in 1974. He served Meridies as their First Prince, and their Fourth King. He is widely acknowledged to be the very Flower of the Meridian Chivalry and the model for all who have come after. That we hold his example in highest regard is reflected in the DuVant Cross, a recognition for chivalric behavior and prowess among our Youth Combatants.
His thoughtful counsel has guided our Chivalry and, indeed, all of us for over 30 years. Always pursuing the noblest path, and shaming our baser inclinations by his shining example, his voice will be missed more than words can ever express. His has left his indelible mark on Meridies, and her child Gleann Abhann, and we are the richer for it.
With great sadness and gratitude for having known him,
Radu and Broinnfinn
Lord and Lady Heir of Gleann Abhann![]()
Jeff Slaten passed away unexpectedly May 7, 2005. Survived by Kaye, his wife of 27 years, and his son John."He was only 51, too young to have left so soon." (e-mail from Kate Holford, from Judith; Judith's words, I think)From The Denver Rocky Mountain News:
Also survived by father Ken and his wife Jean; son-in-law of Neil and Lucille Ritchey; brother of David (Donna) Slaten and Nancy (Mark) Holtzclaw. Preceded in death by mother Rosemary in 2001. Rosary, Thursday, 7 pm, Horan & McConaty Family Chapel, 1091 S. Colorado Blvd., Denver, CO, 80222. Funeral Mass, Friday, 2 pm, Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 13120 E. Kentucky Ave., Aurora, CO 80012.
Bren started in al-Barran in the early 1970's and moved to Caerthe. He was vicar of Caerthe once, a respected knight, and a Walker of the Way.
Sir Lee Fribrand (mka Bill Lee) passed from this life, April 11, 2005. "If there was one reason to have the Order of the Chivalry in the SCA, Lee was that reason." —John the Bearkiller![]()
Abarais de Yargil, Meridies
mka Gary Cook, d. April 5, 2005. An early member of the Shire Eagle (and later, the Barony of Iron Mountain), a gifted storyteller, and cunningly quick fighter.
Parthalon mac Abba, Caerthe, Outlands
Caerthe/Hawk's Hollow Archer, Highland Games champion...
Please know that on Saturday (3/26) Parthalon mac Abba was discovered in his
home deceased.
Roland posted on the Outlands list, Wednesday, March 30, 2005.
Johann von Coburg, Gleann Med�nach, Outlands The funeral for Lord Johann von Coburg will be held at Steven's Funeral Home at 10a on Sat Jan 15th in Lovington, NM. Lady Catlin sends her hopes to see many faces of old friends from the Outlands in attendance. | ![]() |
Malcolm MacPhee, Arenal, Meridies
mka Ron MacAfee, d. January 12, 2005. Fencing master and friend of those in the Shire of Arenal.
Jed Silverstar, Trimaris
Master Jed Silverstar, mka Jed O'Connor, passed away in his home yesterday, of natural causes. He is survived by his sister Kim.
Master Jed was one of the founding members of the bardic tradition in Trimaris, and it could be argued its brightest star. His album, "Silversongs", was the first published record album in the Society, and those who have it guard their vinyl jealously - its songs of beauty and the Arthurian legend are classics, and a standard to which all SCA bards must measure their work. This is a great loss for the Society, and for those who never had the pleasure of hearing him perform, a greater loss still.
Arrangements have yet to be finalized, but a service is anticipated in Tallahassee.
Master Morric, Trimaris
Jan 3, 2005
Date to be added:
Maeve the Woodswife (Natasha Williamson), Drygestan/Santa Fe, Outlands
cancer, 2005
Gyrth Oldcastle , Atlantia
Fri, Nov 12, 2004
"Today, Duke Gyrth Oldcastle, patriarch of the Oldcastle Clan and pinnacle of nobility in our Society, passed away." ...I remain, Ever in Service, Caroline Forbes of Oxfordshire
From Duke Finnvarr:Informal report of the funeral, by instant message to AElflaed from Branwynn Ottersby, of that household:I just heard this morning that Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Atlantia died of a heart attack...
This is poigniant for me not simply because we've unexpectedly lost a fine man, whom I counted as a friend; but for another reason as well.
Gyrth was at the chivalric roundtable at Pennsic and made a number of good contributions to that generally very good discussion. At one point, however, I "used" him to make a point about renown. He'd told me that he was having health problems and would not be able to fight this year. At the roundtable I wanted to make a point about renown. I said, without renown, Gyrth (currently inactive) was not a great knight.
It is extraordinarily sad that this statement is now so much more true.
Gyrth no doubt had his faults and certainly had his enemies at various points in his career. But he was a fine knight in a number of ways. He was one of us earlier fighters who came into the SCA without any athletic or martial arts background and did well anyway. Indeed, Gyrth joined the SCA because he thought he'd find a good environment in which he could write Renaissance poetry. Eventually he was elevated to the Order of the Laurel for his skill with words.
Long before that, however, he'd become king of the East and King of Atlantia, the founder of a great household full of interesting men and women and a lot of really skilled fighters. Gyrth the unathletic poet had become one of the best trainers of fighters around. This was because with a steely eye he had examined his own limited talents and the rules and conventions of SCA combat, and figured out how he could most efficiently defend himself, judge distances, and throw good fast blows. It not only worked for him, it worked for many squires who won white belts and strawberry leaves themselves. Furthermore Gyrth the poet was able to describe how he thought and how he fought in crystal clear prose so that people who were not able to train with him could understand his system.
One of Gyrth's favorite brags was that he as king of the East had lost the field battle at Pennsic VII in record time (he knew exactly how many seconds). It says something about the generosity and joyful approach that he had to the SCA that he could drop this fact into a conversation lightly and leave you with the insight that there is more to fighting in the SCA, or wars in the SCA, than crushing your opponents, and that a worthy career in the SCA could and would include its share of setbacks, disappointments, and famous flubs.
Remember that great knight, Gyrth Oldcastle
There was a huge High Mass -- very fitting... No SCA side of it; Michael did not want to freak his family, although we did see to it that there was a link from the Oldcastle knight's chain in his suit pocket and his white belt down by his legs where no one could see. There were hundreds of people for the funeral.(Gyrth's real name was Gerald O'Leary and he went by Gerry.)
AElflaed asked: Either of his parents living? (both?)
Branwynn responded: His dad.
Gyrth's eulogy, awards and lineage may be found here.
Ulric Grimmheld, Midrealm
Dear friends of Ulric,
As of 7:38AM Ohio time on Saturday August 21, he was pronounced non-responsive. Earl D. Jones is dead.
House Erschlagenhalle is supposed to have a candlelight vigil set up for next Pennsic war in his honor. Also, a moment of silence will be held before the Bridge Battle.
MacCon Maconnail, Outlands
It is my very sad duty to come before you now with very dire tidings.
Today, August 7, the deputy to the Captain of Archery of Dragonsspine, MacCon Maconnail passed away after battling valiantly for some time now. His passing has rocked the archery community as we learned of his passing just this evening in a message relayed to Baron Eric at Baron's War. MacCon had been a stalwart supporter of archery in Dragonsspine. If he was at an event, he could be counted on to always lend a hand no matter the task. He was quick to greet anyone whether they were newcomer or mundane and invite them to get involved in this wonderful game we all share. He was my deputy and my good friend. His presence in our Barony and on our archery line will be sorely missed.
Wherever you are now MacCon, I sincerely hope your pain is no more. Please know that your friends miss you. My wish for you is that as you shoot archery in that great beyond that your arm will never tire and your arrows will always find gold. Remember those of us you left behind and save us a place on your line. For one day, we will join you and we will all shoot together once more. Rest in peace my friend...my brother. Already, you are sorely missed.
In mournful service,
Posted by Timothy to the Outlands list here
Hamish Robertson of Tir Briste, Meridies
mka Michael J. Callaway, d. August 18, 2004. Squire to Sir Bryce McLaren.
Dorriean inghean Alasdair, Meridies
mka Heather Bush, d. June 4, 2004. A member of House Black Willow.
Random deLay, al-Barran, Outlands
It is with much sadness that I must let you know that THL Random de Lay mka Robert Baca passed away this last weekend. He was a member of the Barony of al-Barran, in the household of Clan Ivarsson, Warlord of the Outlands, a beautiful artisan in the ways of calligraphy and illumination, a leader in men's middle-eastern dance and beloved brother of Count Cameron Blackswan.
The family wishes it to be known that all are welcome to attend a Rosary and Mass that will be held later this week.
Rosary April 29 7 PM
Mass April 30 9:30 AM
Both will be held at St. Jude's in Rio Rancho.
For more information please contact: Lady Alethia (Spirit Godkin)...
Paul Michael Serio died in prison in Florida on February 21, 2004, of a heart attack. Duke Aonghais was knighted and stripped of his knighthood twice, and knighted a third time. The website of his home barony says he "... was convicted of murder after another man had spent several years in prison for the crime; the story is told in the book The Wrong Man: A True Story." His former wife has informed me that the book cited is not factual. While in prison, Paul Serio spent several years teaching history to GED candidates.
Richard the Strange, Atenveldt
Also known as Master Richard of Arkham, a musician above all, but a seneschal and organizer as well, Master Richard died in an automobile accident on November 7, 2003. There are details here. (Richard Felix was his real name, and he went by Rick.)
Petroushka of Bohemia, Atenveldt
From the Family of Mistress Petroushka of Bohemia a dear and wonderful
Lady who had many friends in the Outlands:
Darlene Rutherford-Wilson, known as Mistress Petroushka of Bohemia, Premier Pelican, GofA, LofA of the Kingdom of Atenveldt, died Monday afternoon (10/13/03) after a long battle with cancer.
The funeral will be this Sunday afternoon, October 19, 2003. The Viewing will be from 12 to 1 p.m., funeral service from 1-2 p.m., and afterwards there will be a graveside service, Druid, conducted by Kenneth Hall. The services will be at Greenwood Memory Mortuary and Cemetery, 719 N. 27th Avenue in Phoenix, AZ. (1/4 mile north of Van Buren on the east side.)
Freya Magnusdottir, Outlands
Lady Freya Magnusdottir (Margo Strid) died in her sleep this week (I believe on Thursday). Freya lived in Caer Mithin Halle (Carlsbad) for many years but was living in Farmington with her long time husband Mike (Fulk Fulkerson) in recent years. She was often seen at Outlandish and other events having fun and still shopping in her wheelchair. She did not attend this year. I will drink a toast and remember her as a wild Amazon woman!
—Rosamond de Preston
Carlwyn Ordragoun of Canterbury, South Downs, Meridies
Master Carlwyn George Ordragoun of Canterbury, mka Charles Burgess, d. April 2, 2003. . This former Beacon Herald of Meridies was a Court fixture for more than a decade, and a gentle soul. photo
Talanque, Calafia, Caid
Talanque, Baron Calafia, served as baron for twenty-two years. Dean Hallford passed away January 17, 2003. photo and more information
Thomas the Wordsmith of Castle Leviathan, Meridies
Master Thomas the Wordsmith of Castle Leviathan (mka Thomas E. Fuller) passed from this life on November 21, 2002. A former Kingdom Seneschal of Meridies, the premier Poet Laureate of the Realm, genuine Force of Nature, Guest Conductor at the Lake Lanier Medieval Festival one year, and gifted painter of word-pictures, Thomas was a pillar upon which Meridies originally stood, and spoke with the voice of Deities when he would intone: "I am the Wordsmith. Hear me. Hear my voice. Hear now........"
Thomas Megatherium of Castle Leviathan, called the Wordsmith. He was truly larger than life. Six and a half feet tall. Deep, booming voice. Hear me. Hear my words." Thick black hair (silver in later years), heavy beard, pipe. Flowing black and purple attire.He was a poet, playwright, performer, a Companion of the Order of the Laurel, and more. It is said that he and Master Cathal traded off being Kingdom Bard and/or Poet Laureate for "about ten reigns". The performance of his "Voices of Camelot" was a highlight of Red Tower 20. He helped start the "Medieval Knightly News" (see above). He passed from this life from a heart attack in November 2002. Many people from the olden days of the kingdom from South Downs and Bryn Madoc paid their respects at his funeral.
Kyriel of Windhover Cliff, Caerthe, Outlands
I had to express last night's experience in words. I don't know if all of you have been aware of Kyriel's condition. We all have been visiting her as often as possible over the past two weeks, but her sudden decline came as a surprise. She just seemed to realize that her work was through, and there was no need to linger. There will be a wake sometime in the future for all her friends, mundane as well as SCA.
In service to the dream,
Robin Vinehall
A Final Farewell to Mistress KyrielMartha (Ricky) Weiser, known in the Society for Creative Anachronism as Kyriel of Windhover Cliff, died at her home around 1:00 AM Thursday morning, April 4. Her health had been slowly deteriorating for the past two years, and declined precipitately after an automobile accident a month ago. She wanted her body to become part of the land she had loved, protected and cared for since 1960, so her sons and friends followed her wishes and arranged an open-air cremation. Yes, it is legal, though you have to get a permit. The chaplain of the hospice that cared for her in her final days showed us how to do it. She expressly said that she did not want funeral or memorial services so it was originally planned to be quite simple. Kyriel's friends, however, are people who can create a suitable ceremony on an hour's notice.
At sundown on Friday her body, wrapped in a white shroud and covered with a royal blue cloak, was carried down the hill from her home on a trestle. The small procession was headed by her younger son, Scott, wearing traditional kilt and bearing her favorite sword, a clay mor. He was followed by a bagpiper and the trestle was carried by a succession of people, including her older son, Kit, her close friends, Irel, Chris Dewey, and Peter Giffin. The chaplain and a few other close friends followed. When they reached the field all present fell in behind, and followed them to the cremation site. Thorfin and Irel had prepared a concrete frame with a metal grate over it, and oak logs soaked in lamp oil underneath. There was a high embankment of earth behind it. Kyriel's body was placed on the grate, and we all came forward, one by one, and placed flowers on the body. Irel then said a few words, mostly of thanks to all the people who had tried to make Kyriel's last days more comfortable, and poured a bottle of scented oil over the body. Elizabeth O'Byrnne read one of Kyriel's poems, then we moved around behind the embankment while Irel, Peter, Scott, Kit and the chaplain piled more wood over and around the body. As they were doing this, we all looked up to see a single heron flying overhead, directly from east to west. Irel then ignited the wood, and we looked on as bright flames rose like dragons into the night sky. We heard coyotes begin their night calls behind us, and the cattle lowing.
We stood in silence for a while, then people began to move around in front of the embankment. Irel and the chaplain added more wood regularly, branches fallen from Kyriel's trees over the body, concealing it, and solid logs soaked in lamp oil underneath. Peter sang a beautiful Keltic song of parting, then Scott sang a similar one, and after him Irel. Someone from the SCA had brought a bowel of salt mixed with aromatic herbs, and from time to time one of us would cast a handful on the flames. Someone played Garryowen on a flute, then the bagpiper played for a bit. After that we started telling stories about Kyriel, not the great things she had done, the little ones. The small acts of kindness and wit. We invited the firemen who were in attendance to share the food that people had brought, and around 9:00 PM they left, since it was obvious that we had things well in hand. The body was largely consumed by then, but the presence of Kyriel's indomitable sprit was strong.
She will be missed. She will be greatly missed.
W. Roy Wessel | rwessel@... / Robin Vinehall
Saturday, April 6, 2002
(March 16th?17th?, 2002)
Brynneth from the southern Outlands passed away this weekend in a motor vehicle accident.
To the Populace of the Outlands, sad tidings from your King and Queen.Conchobhor has just spoken to Duncan this evening (3/19) and he said the funeral is this Friday at 10am at the Mountain View Cemetery, East of Deming. Anyone who wishes to wear garb is welcome. You will be in good company. Bryneth will be laid to rest in his.A member of Our Populace, Breanneath, was tragically taken from us this past weekend. He was a member in the Shire of Loch Thioram in Deming, New Mexico. We ask that you remember his Mother Margaret Burton and Brother Duncan in your thoughts and prayers. We also ask that you render any necessary assistance to Breanneath's family and friends this time of need.
The Funeral will be held on Friday, March 22nd at the Mountain View Cemetery. Margaret has shared with us that she would be comforted if attending you would wear your garb.
. . . .
Yours, In Deepest Sadness,
Maelgwen, King Cainnleach, Queen
Roane Faerggae of Lochlann, Namron, Ansteorra
"This morning, 13 November 2001, my Lady Wife and companion of
twenty-four years, Mary Stuart Morrison, known to us in the
Society as Roane Faerggae of Lochlann, Companion of the Ancient
and Honorable Order of the Laurel and member of the Society since
1977, passed from this life into the next and, God willing,
happier one." — Mike Andrews/Michael Fenwick
Aldwin Longwalker, Atlantia (formerly of Artemisia, formerly of West)
Richard Myrick / Master Aldwin Longwalker, OP,
(AoA, Leaf of Merit, QOoG, Diamond Willow, Ivory Quatrefoil
(West); Pelican, GoA, Light of Atenveldt, Queens Cypher (Atenveldt);
Feather of Artemisia, Pillar of Artemisia (Artemisia)
died last night very quickly of a massive heart attack.
Aldwin had been at the local Elvegast (Raleigh NC) weekly Thursday night meeting and was quite happily conversing about things with friends. After the meeting they all walked about a third of a mile to Darryl's Restaurant at 1906 Hillsborough St. for dinner after the meeting. It has long been a tradition here for some of the meeting attendees to go to dinner afterwards. The local meeting ended about 8:30 pm est, and Aldwin apparently died at about 9 pm. September 13, 2001
Aldwin made it into the entryway, reportedly said "I don't feel so well" and collapsed or lay down in the entrance. He probably went unconscious almost immediately. Apparently he lasted at most two minutes. There were at least two primary care people in the restaurant who immediately tried to resuscitate him. Aldwin's protegee and some of his many friends were with him at the restaurant when he died. Someone ran to a local fire station on the next street and he was immediately carried to Rex Hospital about four miles away. I'm told that as many as five e.m.t.s tried to revive him on the way to the hospital. A number of the SCA were there at the hospital when his parents later came and told them that Aldwin was dead.
Aldwin has lived with his parents again since he came to this area. I last saw him a week or two ago at a local event. Aldwin had romantic interest and was quite popular among the local SCA. He'd made many friends here in the last two or three years since he's been here. I'm told he had a good time at the last Pennsic. He was always cheerful and helpful.
Those who did know him are greatly saddened. One said:
"My heart is so heavy with sorrow. This morning I heard of the world's newest loss, that of a good man I never got to know well enough. I shall miss Aldwin Longwalker, who never lacked a tale to tell and who seemed to be friends with everyone. He is now part of the spirit that moves through all things. I bet he's already learning names."That is as good a tribute as I think I could give knowing him less well.
Master Magnus Malleus, OL, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia, GDH
Fri Sep 14, 2001
Bela of Eastmarch, West
Sir Bela was a Court Baron of the Kingdom of the West, one of the founders, and a very eminent Bard. His device was "azure, a saltire argent, in chief a sun inglory". His wife is Lady Karina of the Far West.
From the Bards' list of Ansteorra :
Sir Bela of Eastmarch, better known to the public as author Poul Anderson, passed away last night/early this morning. He was battling a form of prostate cancer. Here is a note from his wife Karen and his daughter Astrid:"We brought Poul home from Alta Bates for terminal hospice care.Now, my words. He was a wonderful author, and many of his novels I read in my youth. They were part of what set me on the path in search of honor and chivalry, and striving to be exceptional without losing one's humanity. It was only after I had been in the SCA a few years that I heard Poul was in it too. This may explain why the SCA was such a good fit for me, as he had already exposed me to some of the concepts. I hope to only leave one percent of the legacy he has left, and will spend a lifetime striving to achieve even that much.
We gave him Jubilaeum Akvavit, Carlsberg Beer and Boeuf Tartare.
We gave him all our love. About midnight, he slipped away."
. . . .
Ulf Gunnarsson
Mairin ferch Howell, Namron, Ansteorra
It is my sad duty to announce the passing of one of our own. Baroness Mairin ferch Howell of Namron passed in her sleep to the summer country. She had been battling cancer for quite some time and her passing was peaceful. For those of you who wish the family has requested donations to the Firehouse Art Center in Norman, Ok.
There will be a viewing at Havenbrook Funeral Home Wed. evening from 5-8 pm. We will be gathering to celebrate her birthday in June as was her wish. This will take the place of a memorial service or funeral at her request. The details will be announced as they become available.
Remembering a beautiful and gracious lady,
Baroness of Namron
(On the Ansteorra list, April 30, 2001)
Last night, our dear Baroness Mairin ferch Howell passed away in her sleep. She is a sweet spirit who will be dearly missed here in Namron and throughout all Ansteorra.
. . . .
It was Mairin's desire to be remembered not with tears but with joy, laughter and song. So pray you...weep softly and sing loud. The memory of her life deserves nothing less!
Alexis Krakkensangre, Bryn Madoc, Meridies
Alexis Krakkensangre, mka Andrew John (Andy) Kay, d. April 2, 2001. Tall, blond agent provocateur, born to dance and woo, this gentle a true English gentleman, missed yet by many in Bryn Madoc.
Vivianne, of Nahrun Kabirun, Outlands
Tue Dec 5, 2000:
It is my sad duty to inform the Outlands that the Shire of Nahrun Kabirun
has suffered a grievous loss. Our sister, Vivianne (Cathy Madrid) has passed
away at the painfully young age of 31. She was a beloved daughter of our
Shire and sister of the MacTaggarts. Her absence will leave a painful hole
in our gatherings for some time to come. The following are the words of, for
all intents and purposes, her mother, Lady Maigenn. There will be a memorial
this Saturday. When plans have been set, I will pass on more specific
information. If you wish to send your sympathies to Maigenn, Ian or Liz,
please send them through me for now.
Lenore de Troyes, Calontir
Countess Lenore de Troyes, former Queen of Calontir, beloved wife of Graf Sir Luther Ambossfaust, died in a car accident on the way home from Lilies War Sunday.
Graf Luther suffered various injuries, including a broken hand, but is otherwise physically okay.
Funeral and memorial arrangements have yet to be made, but will be posted as we know more; most likely sometime Monday night.
Countess Lenore, talented herbalist, artist, wonderfully mischievious monkey and cherished sister will be profoundly missed by many across the Known Worlde. She exemplified the dignity of the Crown, the spirit of Sovereignty, the life of Creativity and the soul of the Living Dream.
Words shall never paint the Beauty we have lost.
Syr Deotrich Hiltipard
protege brother and friend
done Monday morning from the holdings at Fox Ryde, 06/19/00
Iannon the Contentious, Drygestan, Outlands
Sun May 21, 2000:
At the request of THL Etain, I sadly write to say that her Lord, her
husband, THL Iannon the Contentious, passed away last night from
accidental gun shoot wounds. She requests that you please refrain from
phone calls at this time. Join with me with a silent moment and prayer
for someone who has touched our lives. If you wish Baroness Adina or
Mistress Brighetta can be contacted.
Iannon's awards
Fatima al Mendizayya, Thorngill, Meridies
Lady Fatima al Mendizayya, mka Deborah Kaylor, died of stroke-related causes on November 24, 1999. Meridies. Wife to Rami ibn Assad, a loving mother and wife, and one of the early anchors of the Shire of Thorngill.![]()
Cormac MacCumail, Barony of Forgotten Sea, Calontir
Baron Cormac MacCumail (also called MacCool), m.k.a. David Reed, died July 27, 1999 of natural causes.
Lady Prydwen wrote:
Kenneth left us on 06/12/1999, three days after our thirty-third anniversary and two weeks after GOT (Grand Outlandish Tournament). He was Minister of the Lists for the Outlands on two separate occasions and traveled widely for his duties. I remember well "The Four Seasons Crown." He used the "Underhwealf" always and used to give his lineage as "Kenneth, son of Hamlet, son of Hagar (yes, from the comic strip!)"
Celtar O'Conal, mka Joel Thomason, d. September 23, 1989. Meridies
"I remember Lord Celtar. He was one of the Iron Mountain folk who helped us out when we were getting Misty Mere off the ground. He was the consulting Herald when I submitted my device, and was Seneschal of Iron Mountain around the same time I lived there." Kevin
Riccardo di Pisa, Knight of the Society and of the Sable Garland, Lion of Ansteorra, passed on 12 March 1998. Riccardo, in whose honor a street at the Gulf Wars site is named, was the quintessential warrior and Lion. His simple cry of "War!" was as eloquent as any martial plea ever uttered, and inspired countless soldiers of the Black Star to march to far-flung battles for the glory of Ansteorra.
Years after his passing, when the Sword of State of Ansteorra was stolen by base cowards who knew not what sacrilege they committed, a mighty broadsword forged by Riccardo himself was adopted as the symbol of Royal authority in his beloved Kingdom. A commemoration of that event by the squire to whom Riccardo left this sword may be seen here.
James Alagarto of Duckford, Shadowskeep, Outlands
Once known as Mad James, Jimbo Gill died of natural causes 10/31/97 in Española, once known as Shadowskeep, of which he was one of the founding members. First husband of AElflaed of Duckford.
Julia of the Forest, known as the Childless, Anlieplic Dun/Lonely Mountain, Outlands
Julia of the Forest, a Mistress of the Laurel, mother of Master Baldwin of Erebor and Mistress Keridwen of Montrose (plus two other children, and foster mother informally of a great many more), died May 2, 1997. She was beloved of many and was long one of the best parts of Lonely Mountain Defender, creating feasts of dragontail and Dun pudding. (Alison Foster)
William the Hermit, Lonely Mountain, Outlands
Lord William the Hermit died February 1, 1997 (Bill Sweetland). William died at home in the presence of his loved ones (of liver failure following a four year battle with liver cancer).
Ragnar Ulfgarsson, Master of the Laurel, Baron of the Court, Lion of Ansteorra, passed on 1 January, 1997. He was perhaps the finest Skald ever to walk the fertile soils of the Black Star. He was known and loved by all, and his compassion and influence in the Bardic community extended far beyond the borders of his native Ansteorra. His fame will last for as long as there remain souls shaped by his wit and good humor. Photo and links
Kane O'Shannon and Muirgen of Caer Dubh, Atlantia
Died October 20, 1996, returning from an event in South Carolina.
The Chronicle of the Peerage* of the MooseLodge
"Raylene of the Whispering Woods (mka Marsha Bennett) of Tir Ysgithr died of natural causes on February 23, 1996. She had a congenital defect in her heart that finally took her away from her families at the age of 45. Rest in Peace Love." —Edric the Unsteady (Gene Bennett)
Aileen Bardon, Outlands
Caitlin Anna ni Sheanain, Mistress of the Laurel, Baroness of Namron, passed on 15 September, 1995. She was beloved of her Barony and the Kingdom of Anteorra. Songs, poems, and stories were devoted to her memory, one of which may be read here.
Now remember we Master Johannes the Black of the Athanor (mka Brad Gurganus) take up from this mortal world on August 6, 1995. photo, and memorial by Rhiannon of the Isle
William de Vallier, Caer Mithin Halle, Outlands
Artan's squire, a Baron of the Court of the Outlands (by Leif and Elisheva) and a Stag's Blood, William died in the hospital in late July 1994. (Stephen Carroll)
Ishiyama Namban Tadashi, al-Barran, Outlands
Sir Tadashi was both a Lion of Atenveldt and a Walker of the Way of the Outlands, as well as a Baron of the Court of Atenveldt. Fred Tart collapsed in the dressing room after a Japanese sword demonstration on Saturday, April 2, 1994, at Manzano High School, in the presence of several senior members of his dojo (Sandia Budokan). I believe he died of a heart attack. awards and device
Evan Mawr, Hawk's Hollow (Caerthe, Outlands)
Master Evan Mawr, a Laurel and a Walker of the way, died in March, 1994. He was one of the founders of Hawk's Hollow, a canton of Caerthe. His real name was Evans Winner.
Robin of Neath, Meridies
mka Robert Thomas, d. October 24, 1992. Meridies. Lost to us at an event many years ago......
Knikolos Major of Salem-by-the-Sea, South Downs, Meridies (once of the Principality of Trimaris)
Master Knikolos Major (Miles King) passed away on February 13th, 1992, in the costume shop where he worked as the manager. He was a Master of the Pelican, former principality herald, former kingdom chronicler, and a reader of ThinkWell. He was the husband and partner-in-the-arts of Mistress Christianna MacGrain.
Richard of Bryn Madoc, Meridies
Ric Crawford, d. October 1, 1990. Taken from us too soon by AIDS; his name lives on in a clinic in Gwinnett County, Georgia.
Nicholas le Noir, Artemisia, formerly of Outlands, and long of Atenveldt
Viscount Nick le Noir (Nick Oller) committed suicide Monday of the week that ended with June 23, 1989 (Monday, June 18th?), in Salt Lake City. Nick le Noir was a knight, and once Prince of the Sun.
Lord Hragobir the Lugubrious, m.k.a. Alvin Hacker, was killed in an accident on January 21, 1989, one month after receiving his Award of Arms.He is survived by is wife, Elizabeth Glade, his daughters, Emrys ferch Aelfwine and Kristabel of Briar Rose Keep, and his son, John, who is not a member.
While the service was traditional, Hragobir was buried with his favorite sword and his baronial colors.
Adriana Holloway, Atenveldt (Artemisia)
November 10, 1985, Queen Adriana of Atenveldt died in a car accident in southern Idaho on the way back from an event. She had been driving. Brion was not seriously injured.
Master Sigmund Træskæg, al-Barran, Outlands (formerly Caerthe)
Sigmund Træskæg, Master of Arms, (Marty Tufts) was living in Alaska when he died from an auto accident. He was in his pickup, it was late, there was weather. He was buried in his mountain-man leathers when spring came. I don't think he had done any SCA in Oertha; he was just in Alaska, working part time as a DJ. We miss him. We named our son Bardolf after him (in the "Martin Alexander" way).
In Memoriam, Kingdom of the West
To those who have gone before us, Kingdom of Caid
Memorial Rolls, Atenveldt
The Scroll of Honor, An Tir
Memorial Rolls, Æthelmearc
Editable list of Royal Peers who have passed In Memoriam: Royal Peers of the SCA but it might only be visible to members of the facebook group SCA Royal Peers